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About.com: BiologyScience labs, virtual dissections, activities,quizzes,science fair projects, and study aids for topics covered in Biology.
American Museum of Natural History Articles, videos, news, research library, podcasts, etc.
Animal Diversity Information about: Amphibians, arthropods, birds, bony fish, echinoderms, insects, mammals, mollusks, reptiles, sharks, and more.
Autumn Leaves & Fall Foliage We all enjoy the colors of autumn leaves. The changing fall foliage never fails to surprise and delight us. Did you ever wonder how and why a fall leaf changes color? Why a maple leaf turns bright red? Where do the yellows and oranges come from? To answer those questions, we first have to understand what leaves are and what they do.
BBC - DinosuarsAccess to the BBC Science: One Planet Dinosaur Episodes, Clips, and Dinosaur Game.
BBC: Human BodyAccess to the BBC Science: Human Body and Mind. Interactive lessons, games, and tests. The Human Body covers: organs, skeleton, puberty, muscles and the nervous system. The Mind covers: psychology, emotions, intelligence, personality, the brain, and mental disorders.
BBC ScienceAccess to the BBC Science: A World of Wonder TV and radio programs.
Biology in MotionAnimated lessons in Biology.
BiologyMad Resources, links to science websites, Moodle, and discussion forums.
Biology On-lineBiology forums, wiki/dictionary, articles, tutorials, books and directories.
Biomes of the EarthInteractive 3D Educational Simulation. This online e-learning application helps students visualize how biomes are climatically and geographically defined as similar climatic conditions on the Earth.
V Brightstorm Video tutorials covering all biology topics.
Cells Alive! Seminars, animated lessons, videos, worksheets, interactive puzzles & games.
Cell Animations Animations & explanations covering cell structures, functions, and processes.
Cool Science Animations, activities, games, labs, lesson plans, videos.
Cow's Eye Dissection Exactly what it says it is. Real photos.
V Education Portal Academy Large variety of free science video courses.
Genetics Web Labs Requires Adobe Shockwave. Virtual labs. Has both teacher and student sections. Dragons, aliens and more!
Hippo Campus Presentations and simulations in topics covered in Biology and AP Biology courses. Additional topics, courses, and textbook correlations are also available.
Human Heart Explore the heart. Discover the complexities of its development and structure. Follow the blood through the blood vessels. Wander through the weblike body systems. Learn how to have a healthy heart and how to monitor your heart's health. Look back at the history of heart science.
Info Please! Encyclopedia and games/puzzles, for varying science topics including fossils, body systems, classification, cells, and so much more.
VKhan Academy Website covers topics covered in first year college and high school Biology courses.
Mitosis Tutorial Interactive tutorial.
Neuroscience for Kids Everything about the human nervous system.
Nobel Prize Organization You don't have to be a genius to understand the work of the Nobel Laureates. These games and simulations, based on Nobel Prize-awarded achievements, will teach and inspire you while you're having FUN!
Nova Topics include anthropology, disasters, health, physics, nature, etc. Articles, videos, television programs, etc.
O N Quia: Biology (online games for various life science topics)Shared science activities to use in the classroom. Some are Java-based.
Secret Life of the Brain Information, 3-D animations, mind illusions, etc.
Serendip Hands-on activities. Downloadable PDF and Word files.
Sheep Brain DissectionReal photos with explanations.
Sheppard Software (Anatomy/Cell/Health)Website offers cell games for animal, plant and bacteria.
N Shmoop Broad biology topic, terms, big themes, study questions, quizzes, flashcards, games, real world connections. Humorous & teen-friendly.
Squish the Fish From the Shedd Aquarium. Lower level.
Thirteen Ed Online Lesson plans & classroom projects.
University of Arizona: BiologyTutorials and activities.
Untamed Science Articles, videos, podcasts, lesson plans, diagrams, photos.
Virtual Owl Pellet Dissection Animated.
V Wonder How To Videos on a wide variety of science topics.
V YouTube: EducationYouTube EDU brings learners and educators together in a global video classroom. On YouTube EDU, you have access to a broad set of educational videos that range from academic lectures to inspirational speeches and everything in between. Come here for quick lessons from top teachers around the world, course lectures from top-tier universities, or inspiring videos to spark your imagination. Biology and life science topics.